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Thursday, December 04, 2008 

Not Sked

Humans love to judge. Tell them a situation and you will get the verdict, whether you like it or not, whether it's right or wrong.

I was amused by the mixed reactions on my new-found freedom. Intrigued, even. Now, I just feel bored. When I first announced I resigned from my job of 5+ years, I see the shock, the question marks and then finally it comes, like rain pouring down my window... THE SYMPATHY. Usually it comes with soft clucking noises, like hens surrounding a wounded chick. The more discreet ones will attempt a joke or two, which usually involves remarks like "wana make bb izit?". The others, well, will go straight to the point, something I didn't forsee like "Ooohh.. you took too much leave arr? Why dun wait for bonus? Or until get job arr? Why now? GOT FIRED IZIT??"

Then everything falls into place. The irony of it all. The want for freedom and plain happiness without teeth-clenching, gut-wrenching days ended up with wrong assumptions and thus, wrong stories.

So leme get the story straight; Bonnie likes what she does, and does what she likes, when she wants to.

The end.

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