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Thursday, June 29, 2006 

Nihon: Buy, Buy, BUY!

There is shopping and then there is shopping.

Shopping for things you need is one thing.

Shopping for things you don’t need is another.

Shopping for things you did not know existed is... something else.

Everything which is something is sold by someone somewhere.

Here are some of the stuff I did not know is ‘buyable’:

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• Katanas / Swords ala Blade of the Immortal / Samurai X
You could actually decorate your home with these exquisite swordsmanship or hack someone with it if you manage to smuggle them across our immigration officers.

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• Brain Holiday
Yay! I’ll never be bored again! The base is actually a round magnet while you mould and shape the itty bitty metal pieces to form whatever. Excellent entertainment value.

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• Stuffed Animals (and I don’t mean the polyester type)
Need some macho shit to cheer up your wussy homes? There’s nothing like stuffed polar bear for the living room and a wildcat for the bedroom to do the job (pun intended)! This pic is of a genuine 7’ tall polar bear wrapped up in plastic with only the snout exposed. We also spotted whole crocodiles, sea turtles, wildcat, puffer fish, white tiger and deer head. Go figure. Can someone please tell me if it is fake? They do look like the museum variety to me. Eww.

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• Toilet Sound Camouflage Thingy (dunno what’s the proper term)
Do not underestimate this small speaker-like thingy found in every toilet. Upon placing your derriers on the toilet seats, sounds of water gushing in rivers is produced to soothe and calm your senses. It aslo acts as a ploy to camouflage any embrassing audio in the long process.

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• Role-Playing Costumes
Costumes like these are quite common and on sale everywhere.

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• Bookmarks
Interesting bookmarks. It is said the faces are left blank because everyone with different emotions will view them with different feelings. Something like that.

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• Sandalwood Figurine
Can you believe this carving which is about 7” in height costs Y15,000 (RM3000++).

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• Masks
Noh, Tengu, etc. Not for the faint hearted. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for Clyde, I have forbidden him to purchase and display any in our boudoir.

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• Wind Chimes
Oooh my favourite be it metal, wood or glass. Due to eMAS airlines luaggage limit, I could only buy 1 piece.

• The Thumb Thing
Pic not available. It’s a ring thingy with spikes on both ends so when you wear it on your thumb, voila, you could hold a book with one hand and the pages would automatically open for your reading pleasure while your other hand is busy, probably holding the train poles.

our posts started similiarly. sentence stricture i mean. =P

one samurai sword and naughty maid outfit for me please!

Great minds think alike. :)

Thanks for dropping by!

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