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Thursday, October 26, 2006 

Yesterday Night

*Bonnie makes a call*

Bonnie: Harlow? I got a missed call from this number. May I know who’s on the line?
Girl: Who is this?

Bonnie: This is Bonnie.
Girl: Bonnie who?

Bonnie: Bonnie xxx.
Girl: Bonnie xxx who?

*Bonnie prepares to hang up*

Girl: Hey, don’t hang up. It’s Angie.
Bonnie: Angie? Oh, hi! Long time no hear! It must have been, like 15 years! How are you?!

Angie: I am fine, thank you.
Bonnie: I heard you gave birth! Congrats!

Angie: I heard you did too!
Bonnie: Um, that wasn’t me.

Angie: No? So I heard you married Clyde. Wah...
Bonnie: Yes I did. You remember him?

Angie: Of course I do! So where are you working right now? I hear you fly overseas for work! You must be doing really well!
Bonnie: Well, just for this year. My office is at xxx. What about you?

Angie: I am semiretired.
Bonnie: Wow! That’s great! But what do you mean by ‘semi’ retired?

Angie: I am selling xxx unit trust. Have you heard about it?
Bonnie: *insurance/direct selling/unit trust radar flashing*

Angie: Would you be interested in listening to a talk on our Unit Trust product?
Bonnie: Erm, don’t think so.

Angie: Our plan gives you a 10% interest, and sometimes even 18%. It’s better than FD.
Bonnie: ...

Angie: Maybe we can yumcha one day and I’ll tell you all about it before you decide whether you wanna buy.
Bonnier: Yeah... I’ll call you. Bye.

She could have waited until her third courtesy call before pouncing on me like a hungry lion spotting an injured wild beast.

Beware when old friends come a-calling.

Well at least se wasnt trying to borrowing money saying she got a family to protect while the loan shark is giving her a last chance until this weekend before they'll kill her........

Hmph. Don't even go there...

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