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Wednesday, April 30, 2008 

Kite Runner

kite runner

As if I haven’t punished myself enough, I had to add to my depression by watching this movie. It was unplanned as GSC was showing all crappy movies. My colleague and I have to use up the free cinema passes so we picked what we thought was an ‘arty’ foreign film.

This is a touching story about love, loyalty and courage. Director Marc Foster captured the vivid brutality and violence of the war torn country of Kabul, Afghanistan, and the 2 boys whose lives were caught in a turbulent journey to rectify regrets and redeem lost love. Superb acting although the flow tend to be a bit sluggish and too scripty.

To cut a long story short, don’t watch this if you’re already feeling as black and blue as a Kuih Koci.


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