Shark Eats Veggie Burger
This is a popular Indian snack, the veggie burger. It looks like KFC Curry Crunch but it is actually fried onions, green chillies and potatoes. When we ordered in, Kopilighter was most gracious and persuaded me to chip in so we can buy for everyone as well. And so we did.
The food came, he invited everyone to share and they did. Nobody said a word of thanks but it's alright coz we are not waiting to be thanked anyway. It's just a simple act of goodwill until... the office shark came by and said:
Shark: Sometimes you people can do something good too.
Kopilighter: *baffled*
Bonnie: ‘Scuse me?
Shark: Why should I excuse you? (not smelling the smoke yet)
Bonnie: YOU ARE RUDE!!! Just say ‘thank you’ and I will say ‘you’re welcome’!
He scampered back to his dungeon of darkness and did not emerge till much later.
I chose to call him shark coz according to other colleagues, he eats everything in sight, good or bad, even food that’s not his, including my Diet Coke in the office fridge. And I have reasons to snap back k. A week ago, the following convo took place:
Shark: So... how long have you been in this line?
Kopilighter: 9 years.
Bonnie: 13 years.
Shark: 13 years!!! If I were you I would own a business! And if I’m still working for someone after 13 years, I would kill myself!!!
Kopilighter: *speechless*
Bonnie: Well, you are 29 so you have another 5 years to start planning (he thought I was referring to business, but I meant otherwise).
Did I mention I work with an ineteresting bunch? :P
Bear in mind that when u live in another country, u shold be prepare for some cultural difference.......... Of course also be prepare for the same kinda asshole like ones u meet in Malaysia.
Assholes appear anywhere in the world, and basically, they r not expected to be different base on nationality.....
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