To put an end to all the bollywood belly and huge backside remarks business, I kick started 2008 with a diet regime. In fact,it’s the same diet programme that did it for me 2 years ago. As expected, the first day is difficult and my tummy is making strange sounds reacting to all the veggie and fruits so I’m feeling all bloated and burpy. No protein shakes but hard core healthy food only. Ug. It didn’t help my MD is giving out airport chocolates today. I have to donate my share away.
I sure hope MIL is cooking an early dinner tonight.
And I hope regular food can dilute my stomach acids or Clyde can brace himself for expected thunderstorms tonight. Heheh.
On other news, I have started ‘asserting’ resolution no. 1 & 2 (refer to earlier entry). Or else I will have no qualms about executing no. 4. No. 3 already look promising.
2008 is looking good. :)