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Wednesday, January 02, 2008 

I Am Legend


This is one kick ass movie.

Those who have not watch this movie, please book your tickets now and refrain from reading any further.

Set sometime in the future, the city of NYC (and probably the rest of the world) is deserted except for some animals that run wild in Times Square. The first 30 minutes will have you wondering why it is so and what happened/is happening.

Such intense directing by Francis Lawrence and as usual, flawless acting skills from Will Smith. The build-up was superb and I feeeeeel the loneliness, desperation and fear although I was not sure what caused it. Many times my heart went thump-a-thump-thump at the powers of the unknown.

Gee, it's been a long time since I gush over a movie. *hot flush*

A must watch.

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