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Thursday, January 03, 2008 


Sometimes I really pity Bonnie. I think I couldnt never feel it but I could understand it.

It's about a little habit of mine; little but loud. The truth is: I snore; and darn loud one. It's like hearing a steam engine train, steadily traveling on its rail track. Stable and consistant; thru out the night.

I'd tried various methods, sleeping sideway, putting anti-snore tape, spray into the throat, and direct spray into the nose. The best is the last method. It has a 60% success rate. However, consistent use cause my nose to dry up pretty badly. Hence I stop.

Maybe for the new year, i ll re-use it again. Hopefully will give Bonnie a good night of sleep. Many good nights of sleep.

Happily ever after. I hope.

So it's time; to say bye bye to the midnight train.

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